Grove Guardian

Coding and Game Design
Third-person ability shooter


The player takes on the role of the defender of the forest and is tasked with defeating all enemies by using the abilities and attacks that the forest provides.
Tower Defense Game with RPG Elements
Turn-Based Strategy Game
Turn-Based RPG
Game Development Projects Showcase
Unique Gameplay Mechanics and Character Abilities


Due to time constraints and a teammate leaving during the project, we sadly could not fully finish the game. We had plans to incorporate a system where the player could swap their abilities and basic attacks based on the levels they completed, each unlocking new abilities themed around the emotion tied to that level. We also had a system in mind where the forest would use abilities as well, with the AI of the trees getting smarter over time and syncing its abilities with the player.

I still learned a lot from this project, and it was my first venture into behavior trees, which I found quite fascinating. Over the course of the project, I managed to write my own behavior tree from scratch and implement a modular system for abilities, though it was sadly not used in the final game.